
Showing posts from 2015

A trustworthy !

I have always wondered about people's psychology and friendship .  Always wondered how to fit in and be loved . But i have found finally that what really matters is your happiness no matter what everyone else thinks . But it kept me thinking about how to find a friend that is trustworthy , or how to be that friend .. I have found out that there is two types of people we meet , the one that wishes no good for us , and the one that your happiness is all what matters to them .  We meet a lot of new people everyday and we must know how to define who is who to us ..  Some rather spend time talking with you and some spend time talking about you ..  Some helps you out and some pushes you down.  Some watch your back and some are the reason you get hurt in the first place ...  Learn how to define them and you will live happily ever after .. And in the end i want you to learn how to be happy on your own before turning out to people ... ******* مو كل مين حاكاك و قلك اشتقتلك صار اسمو رفيق مصلح

The truth behind her hope.

It's been along time since i last posted something here :'), i don't know why but i haven't been motivated recently so , yeah :/ . ***** She always gave others hope , everytime someone asked for a person to stand there with .. She was the one to answer their help .. She had that weird kind of hope , the one that keeps you alive !  They always wondered about her hope and how she maneged to save it when everyone else seemed to lack hope .. But what they did not really know , is that deep down inside of her she actually started to doubt it , she doubt everything , she thought everyday about what everyone kept saying that there is no more hope to live for here and how they hated everything about here! And it acually started to take here's too . She did not know how she got so much hope herself , but what she knew is that how scared she was of turning like them and what would really happen if she did .  She might have lost it long time ago , but she would never admit it

Creations tuesday ❤️.

I have been loving creation tusday so far so much ❤️_❤️. Not gonna say what happened to "the truth behind her hope " but it is taking me so long to upload it :( .  Todays creation is send from a lovely girl named : Kinana Edriss, she is also from syria and she is definitely an amazing writer too ❤️ .  Keep it up Kinana 😍 .  ********* كالنفس الاول من كل شيء... انت  كفرحة الام الثكلى التي حبلت بعد الف عام..انت كغيمة يتيمة عانقت اختها.. فامطرت وامطرت  تلك هي انت  وانا والشام  عاشقان لقبلة واحدة قبلة الجنوب من ريح عطرك انت  اجوب الليل باحثا... تائها سائلا الدوالي عنك سائلا السمر عنك سائلا الحياة عنك وبينما انا ابحث عنك في طيات جفوني اجدك.... طال النوى  فالعين تبكي والكف تلتقط جبهتي والارض تستمع نجواي فتسقى. وتسقى وتورقني بالروح منك... طال النوى ولربما سيطول اكثر وانت لازلت كالنعنع كلما اقتصصتك مني تنبتين اكثر وليس بوسعي يا سيدتي سوى ان احبك اكثر سوى ان احبك اكث

Creations tuesdaaaaay 😍😍 !

Heyy guys , sorry for not being able to post anything recently but it had been such a mess and so on .. I am going to upload a post tomorrow i hope , under the title of :  The truth behind her Hope ❤️❤️ . Stay tuned 😍. **** Today's creation post is from an amazing Syrian girl named : Reham Shams Aldeen.  She writes mostly poets and her writings are really amazing and touching ! I loved them 😍 Enjoy ... ما أجملَ لو بقينا أنقياء  كالدمعِ في العيون  كوجوه الأتقياء  ما أجملَ لو بقينا أصدقاء  لكنّنا في الحبِّ تعساء  لا نجيدُ لغةَ البقاء  لكنّنا في الحبِّ جبناء  لا نعرف قيمةَ العطاء  ما أجملَ لو كنّا كُرماء  لكنّنا في الحبِّ بخلاء  التضحيةُ ما خُلقت لنا  بل خُلقت للأقوياء  ويا حسرةً علينا  فكلنا ضعفاء  كلٌّ منا فَقَدَ قلبَه  وكلّنا في الحبِّ شهداء ****** مات كلُّ مافينا أحلامنا .. أمانينا بيتٌ كنا نرسمه هدمناهُ بأيدينا وأزرار الزنبق البيضاء أماتتها مآقينا ح

Trying to understand the logic of life !

I always tend to write about life , or even think about it , to try to understand its logic , but it seems like everytime i somehow start to understand how it rolls , something new change everything up . All these years i have been trying to understand people , their actions , their lifes , and everything concerns how life affects them . It seems like the older we get the more life gets complicated and the more  we tend to spend time alone , and it also seems that the more technology we get the more our life becomes harder and we become more heartless . I have found out finally that no matter what you do people are still going to hurt you , hate you , talk about you , or even ignore you , Unless you are dead . I have found out that as long as there is good there is bad , as long there is pain there is happiness , as long as they talk about others infront of you they talk about you infront of them and as long as there are negativities there are positivities.  But in th

The land we lost ..

A month ago , a friend of mine ( not really a friend ) sent me a picture with my name on it , it wasn't any picture , it was from the land we lost long time ago , that picture really meant the world to me .. Because as i said we lost it long time ago and i don't think i would visit it any time soon ..  As simple as that picture might seem to be to you .. But it is not to me , you see they might have taken our land but they won't stop us from believing that someday we will get it back , they won't stop us from being there by simple letters writen on a small peace of paper and they deffinitaly can't stop us from fighting back even if it was with words .. Maybe .. Just maybe these words someday would turn out to actions .. ❤️ Because this land .. Our land .. Is called palestine. ❤️ ******* موطنٌ سكننا منذ زمن بعيد .. موطنٌ حملنا حبه في عروقنا منذ الأزل ..  منذ اللحظة الأولى و سنوات الدراسة الأولى علمونا حبه .. موطنٌ لم ن

Forgiven part 3 !! "must read" ❤️

Heyy friends , it had been ages since i last posted my part 2 of forgiven !! Well , it is finally here ^_^ it took me so long to find a proper end for this story , so now i am so excited about it that it is finally here ❤️ . The end is bit inspired by my lovely friend rawan , i am finally going to post more often since i finally finished this one ^_^ .  I could not wait no more to post this , so i am posting this right now , this late it is 4:00 am here in syria so i hope you all read it even uf it is late :) Hope you enjoy it , also, please tell me if you want me to do a facebook page so it would be more easier for you guys to reach my posts ❤️  I am sorry if this is too long for you but it worth it ❤️. *********** After taking him so long to recover from his brother rami's death , he finally managed to stand up on his feet again , after all these days he thought he would never be okay again since rami left him all alone in that cold house , since the c

Creations tuesday again! ❤️

Heyy friends , how have you been ?  First if all i want to say that i am really sorry for taking so long to post anything new again , it had been a very weird days. It is creations tuesdayyy agaiin ❤️  Today's post is written by a very dear person , my best friend!! ❤️ Hope you enjoy it and love it too ❤️  Please share your creations with me fir the next tuesday ^_^ ************ هنالك سؤال اكاد لا انفك بطرحه على نفسي في صباح كل يوم،كيف لشيئ ان يؤلم اكثر من فقدان البشر؟  كيف للوطن ان يجرحنا اكثر من احبائنا . عندما نفقد شخص عزيز مهما كانت الاسباب يكون الزمن امثل طبيب ليلتئم جرح الفراق .بينما المعادلة تختلف مع الوطن لتشعر ان الم البعد عنه يتأصل في جوارحك و ينزف مع كل دقة قلب .كيف لارضي ان تتعشق بجسدي مع كل نفس ادخله؟.كيف لجذورها وهوائها وترابها دخول عظامي و الجري في دمائي؟.كيف لارضي السكن في عقلي ودمغ صورتها في روحي؟كيف لوطني ان يؤلمني اكثر من فقدان احبائي؟ لقد اصبت بمتلازمة الوطن!أتدرون اني افكؤ بصورته عند سماع اغاني الحب و الوئام وابكي

Creations tuesdaaay ^_^

Hello friends , how are you doing ? I hope you all are just great :))  So , as i have posted a long time a go in my new idea post , which is about posting your own creations ! Well i have finally started it !  Every tuesday there will be a post written by one of you ❤️ You can send your post by my contact me page or just email it to me .  But make sure you follow my instructions written in the - new idea - post .  Much love ❤️ ******* This post is shared by a syrian guy named anas , hope you like it as much as i did ❤️  It is a poem about living alone in a foreign country missing his loved ones ... (حلمنا المهزوم ...) الدرب دربها وانا سائح في بحرها ... هذا ما اقوله لتعلم كم اهوى انفاسها.. يا ترى يأتي يوما واصبح مقيم في هذا الدرب واعشق القدر لاجلها ام اغرق بحواس الجسد العقل القلب ... ام بعطفها  في ليلة من ليالي الخريف المقمرة  وفي صحراء المقطم الموحشة ... يسكنيني عطشها  جئت ابحث في سماء عن عينيها  و جئت احضا

That old house

Hey friends, sorry for not uploading on Sundays and Thursdays as i promised you but hopefully i will ^_^ also, this Tuesday is going to be a post of your creations so stay tuned and the part 3 is going to be on this Thursday too :) ❤️ ***** Whenever i see old houses and kids , i could only imagine my childhood and my grandparents , i can only imagine a happy little girl  playing with her siblings games that kids nowadays might have never heard about. I remember how we used to spend weekends at my grandparents house , and how we used to run around the house screaming and laughing , while my grandpa yelled at us to slow down and lower our voices , and my grandma sitting on her old chair talking with my mom .  Every time i visit their house , i get a weird lovely feeling , it is like they have never left and we never grew up and the house isn't empty all alone without kids playing around .  Everything in that old house has a special story to tell , and a dif

Dear mom ..

I would like to dedicate this post to the best woman on earth .. My mother . Dear mom .. How many times did we write this sentece before? They always told us to write letters to our moms in school , but we have always did it for the marks , we never thought about its true meaning , like yeah writing a message for my mom , for what? I see her everyday right? Why won't i just go ahead and tell her? . We all have wondered that before right?  Well i'll tell you why , sometimes we want to tell and express to our moms how we feel but they just stuck inside of us and we end up saying stuff we may not really mean .  So ,  Dear mom .. It may seem to you that these are only two words put together to form a sentece which is dear mom , but in fact these two simple words have many words and feelings represented by them .  So mom , how are you doing? Like really how are you? The true answer not the one you always told us about you being fine , we know there

Forgiven ( part 2 )

Hello friends ..  I know it took me so long to upload a new post .. But i finally finished finals and got rid of all the stress .. So i got this new idea about posting regularly on schedual , i hope i will upload new posts every sunday and thursday .. I will try my best to do that for you guys ❤️  This is the part 2 of my new short story forgiven .. Hope you enjoy it ❤️ If you didn't read the part one then click here ❤️ ********** The she part .  She was a little girl with a lot of dreams in her heart and soul , she was the girl with the biggest joy , loving family , and a face full of life . She loved all of her friends , neighbors ,teachers and simply was the kindest person you could meet . She was 12 when something screw her life up , something came out of no where and crashed her soul .  She never knew that life could be this mean to her , and she surely never expected that .  ****** - "hello ! Is there anyone in here? " she screamed . -

How to get rid of your depression for ever in three easy ways !

" this post is going to be a little bit different than what i usually write about , but if you are waiting for the part 2 of the story , then hold on for 6 more days , because it is going to be pretty cool ^_^" We all get depressed al l the time , and it is totally okay , you must understand that being depressed is something totally normal , you are not some weird , sad , dramatic person for being depressed.  There are some stuff all around us that put us down all the time .  And you can't always fix your feelings with food and chocolate in fact it will make you feel even worse.  before continue reading this post You must put this idea in  your mind: IT IS OKAY TO BE DEPRESSED .  If you are like me and you feel down all the time and your mood just changes so fast , and you keep thinking about everything all the time then you must give these ways a try .  1- write it out !  This is probably the most effective way to get rid of your depress

Tell me WHY ?!

Dear world what do you know about syria?  I was sitting in my bed after mid night , checking my facebook , instagram , and whatever apps i got on my iphone , when i came up to a video my friend had shared, headlining the post with " is there any hope ? " , written under it " for the children of Syria  "  I was too curious to watch it so i hit the play bottom .  The minute it started , came the sound of the music , a song was no stranger for my ears .  It broke my heart , the fact that this same song we heard more than thousands of times once , but with different children faces , this song once we have heard but it was with a title of " for the children of palestine". It really broke my heart into an endless number of pieces and shattered them all around. I am not going to write about how we have changed because i have written about it a thousand times. But, The fact that unfortunately a lot  of people around the world don't know anything a