Dear future me..

 On April 29th 2015 I wrote a letter to myself, on April 29th 2020 I received that letter which I totally forgot about, it was really nice reading it seeing how much progress I did since then. 

On April 3rd 2022 I wrote another letter to my future self, only this time I wrote what I would have liked to hear from someone special, instead of waiting to hear those words I decided that I will be that someone to myself. 

I decided that this time I will publish it here so that maybe someone else will benefit from it and maybe I will be that someone special for somebody else.

Let me know what would you like to say to your future self?


Dear future me ,

Always know your worth, always believe in yourself, you are doing great! Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise, always know that there will always be someone looking up to you thinking wow she’s amazing! Believe in yourself and believe in all the small steps you are taking forward to achieving your dreams no matter how tiny they may seem. 

Remember all the bad days and what you’ve been through but most importantly remember the good ones, remember when you truly felt happy from the inside . 

Wake up every morning deciding that this is going to be a great day, and when it’s not that’s okay too, just take a step back, deep breaths and relax everything is fine you’re okay.

Stop waiting for others to see you and appreciate you, it’s okay to be alone it’s okay to feel lonely there are many people around feeling the same way too.

Remember how a stranger once said about you”kamar the strong independent go get it girl, she can do anything she wants and doesn’t wait for others to do it for her” keep it in your mind and heart because that’s truly who you are, believe in that.

You are and will always be kind and big hearted and that’s not a bad thing, it’s okay to cry over silly things and feel heartbroken every time you see someone in pain as long as you are doing something trying to help others, always remember who you truly are and how happy you become when you help others, stop letting them make you believe that doing things for others is wrong, simply your love language is taking care of others and that’s beautiful.

You are not, have never been and will never be useless, you are as important as everyone else.

You may not know this but it’s okay to open up to others every once in a while, no one’s gonna judge you or pity you, we are humans we feel pain.

And if no one will love you no matter what, I will always be that one that loves you no matter what.



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