Forgiven ... ( Part 1) new story!!

Heyy guys :) am so sorry for not being 
able to upload or write any posts lately because i have been really in a weird mood and my finals are here :') i hope i can make it up to you in the future ^_^ 
This is a quick and simple fiction story that i have started a while a go , everything here is imaginary and has nothing to do with me ^_^ 
Enjoy ❤️
-" you know mom would have wanted you to move on rami " he said . 
- " why did she leave us then ? " rami said , with tears running down his face . 
Their mom was a beautiful young lady , with the prettiest blond hair ,the brightest blue eyes ,  and the best joyful smile . But she had cancer eating her body , she suffered for two years but eventually she passed on , leaving a husband and two kids behind . 
Their father collapsed with tears for a week , he did not get out of his room , but eventually he left them , he told them he could not bear living in this house anymore , he could not look into their bright blue eyes , they reminded him so much of their mother . He left them alone in that old , cold house .
He did not know what to do , how to take care of his 7 years old brother , or how to take care of this house . 
His little brother rami who once was the happiest child ever , is now suffering from the lost of his family , he was so depressed and sad , and spent two years at home not getting out anywhere .
He had to work in a small book shop in order to survive . 
Rami was a child with a lot of hopes and dreams , he loved reading not like any other kid at his age , he turned back to school after spending two years at home , he turned back to life . 
-" what are we going to do now rami ?" He asked .
- " we are going to make mom proud of us , we are going to survive this " 
He was shocked from his brother's answer , his little brother seemed to be a man at his mid forties , with a 9 years old body . 
- " you have to do this , you have to move on " said rami .
Rami was his only family he had left , he was the one who kept him moving forward , he always gave him hope . 
There they stayed , at this house their mother had her last days in , the house was cold , there were no electricity or anything to make it easy for them . 
They did not hear from their dad anymore , he did not reach back for them ...
To be continued ... 

كان هو الشب الفقير المعتر ، يلي ما عندو غير هالغرفتين يلي سماهون بيت لعيش مشانو ..
كانو عيونو الزرق معبايين وجع و حزن ، كانو معبايين عتب ، كان وشو ، وشو الحلو المتفائل الكئيب أكبر منو بعشر سنين هالعتب كبرو و ساوا رجال كبير بالعمر . 
ضحكتو الحلوة ، سنانو المصفوفين قديش صرلون ما بينو ؟ كتير كتير يمكن . 
كانت هية البنت يلي كل شباب الحارة راكدين وراها ، البنت يلي كل صيفية بتقضيا ببلد ، البنت يلي كل الدنية مو وسعانتا . 
شعراتا السود كل يوم بتعملن موديل ، عيونا الزرق المكحلين بيحملوك و بيحطوك بدنية غرييبة و حلوة أحلى من هل دنية . 
ضحكتا المتفائلة بتعطيك أمل كل يوم بإنو هاليوم حيكون حلو كتير ...
كانت كل يوم الصبح تمشي على مدرستا ، المدرسة يلي هو انحرم انو يفوتا بعد ما مرضت إمو و توفت و تركن أبو هو و أخو الصغير بهل بيت البارد .. البارد كتير ، قلن إنن بيزكرو بمرتو و ما عاد فيو يشوفون ، قلن إنو هو رايح و ما عاد يرجع ، ما عاد في شي بيخلي يبقى بهل بيت الحزين ، هاد البيت يلي خسر دنيتو في . 
و كان هو كل يوم الصبح بيطلع على شغلو ، شغلو يلي ما إلو هدف ، كان بيشتغل بمحل صغير بيبيع ألعاب و كتب ، كان صاحب المحل رفيق أبو و اضطر يشغلو في ليدفعلو دينات أبو .
كان أخو الصغير عمرو سبع سنين لما راحو أهلو ، و كان لازم هو يربي و يكبرو ليصير شب و يوقف على رجليه ، كان اسمو رامي .
رامي كان بيحب المدرسة و كان شاطر كتير ، كانت إمو تقعد تسمعلو الدرس كل يوم ، كان بيحب الرياضيات و كان بيحب يقرا كتب كتير ، بس بعد ما راح كلشي بيحبو خسر رامي هالنشاط و قضى فترة طويلة بهل غرفة المعتمة ، ما عاد شاف ضو الشمس ، رفقاتو كانو يجو يسألو عنو و ما يرضى يشوفون ، ما يرضى يلعب معن طابة بالحارة . 
بس رامي بعد سنتين صار قوي و متفائل ، و رجع يكمل دراستو ، ما هان عليه يشوف أخو عم يتعب مشانو و هو ما عندو هدف بالحياة.
رامي كان السبب الوحيد يلي خلا يكمل ، و يتعب و يروح على هل شغل رغم انو قلبو لسعتو زعلان و تعبان . 
كانت هية أشطر بنت بالصف ، كانت بتحب الكل و الكل بيحبا ، و كانت أحلاما بتوصل للسما ، كانت بدا تخلص مدرسة و تسجل لتدرس طب ، كانت بتحب تساعد الناس كتير و ما بتحب تزعل حدا منا ، و فعلاً أحلاما كانت عم تقرب يوم عن يوم . 
بس بيوم من الأيام ، يوم أسود كتيير ، يوم ما كانت متوقعتو ، يوم كانت بدايتو متل أي يوم تاني ، بس نهايتو .. نهايتو غيرتلا حياتا . 
يتبع ...
I hope you enjoyed it ^_^ and please let me know if you have some notes for me ❤️
Photo taken by my friend and edited by me ❤️
Wish me good luck guys and let me know if you are excited for part 2!!
Much love❤️


mine said…
Wallah btzkkrni bi2ussas hel 3alam ylli 3m t3eesh asw2 ayamha .. thnxx for the Note :* :* ♡♡
Kamar Charaf said…
Yasmiiin thank you!! No need , i loved the picture and i stole it :') i actually spent an hour looking for one , ba3den elet l7ali lshof sowarek so i found this pretty amazing ❤️❤️
Mine said…
3ala 7sabk 7abibti ... :* :* ♡♡♡
Abufares said…
I hope you're doing well on your exams Kamar :-)
I've been to your blog at least a couple of times over the last month or so. I'm sorry I didn't leave a comment until now but doing so on my phone isn't only difficult but for some reason feels very impersonal.
Your writing is wonderful and the more you do it the better it gets. An old teacher of mine (English professor) once wrote in the margin of a poetry assignment I submitted: Read! Read! Read! For every 100 books you read you can write one of your own.
Be well!!!
Kamar Charaf said…
Sorry for the late response :)) i am doing fine kind of , and thank you soo much , i am honored by your visit to my blog , and also thank you for the advise i will do my best to achieve that 😊😊 ^_^

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