Forgiven part 3 !! "must read" ❤️

Heyy friends , it had been ages since i last posted my part 2 of forgiven !! Well , it is finally here ^_^ it took me so long to find a proper end for this story , so now i am so excited about it that it is finally here ❤️ . The end is bit inspired by my lovely friend rawan , i am finally going to post more often since i finally finished this one ^_^ . 
I could not wait no more to post this , so i am posting this right now , this late it is 4:00 am here in syria so i hope you all read it even uf it is late :)
Hope you enjoy it , also, please tell me if you want me to do a facebook page so it would be more easier for you guys to reach my posts ❤️ 
I am sorry if this is too long for you but it worth it ❤️.

After taking him so long to recover from his brother rami's death , he finally managed to stand up on his feet again , after all these days he thought he would never be okay again since rami left him all alone in that cold house , since the cold was too cruel on his little brother's body and took him away after fighting disease , only after 3 years from his mother passed away  , sickness took his little brother away from him too ..
Even thou his soul is still broken , but he had to fight , he had to stand up , leave this house , work hard and achieve what rami had always dreamed about .
He is now a very rich and famous writer , he had to leave the town for all his book signing tours , but he came back every time he had a break , he had such a lovely warm fancy house , he always imagined how would it be if rami was still here , living in this warm house ..
It took him ten years to rebuild him self , but it was worth it even thou he still had this depressed sad lonely look ..
One day when he went back to that town to check on the house and the book shop that rami used to love , that he own now , on that day he saw a lovely young lady that she took away his soul immediately that he had to know who she was ..
As he got closer to her , he started to remember those beautiful blue eyes , that black hair , and that loving face .. She was the little girl he found lying in the woods , rescued her and put her at a very dear friend to his mom's house ..
They both had broken pieces to fix , and stuff to forgive ; he had to forgive his dad for leaving him and she had to forgive that empty room she found her self in .... That's why the fit perfectly together ...
He was everything she needed and so did she .. 
But she always kept dreaming about people she didn't know , but she always kept seeing their faces whenever she fell asleep ..
They both needed a family and they both needed that other part of their soul .. When suddenly ..!
When suddenly she woke up ! She woke up in a white room on a white bed , surrounded by the people she kept dreaming of ! 
She didn't know if this was a dream also or it is the reality and what she had thought was the real thing was just a dream ! 
She looked to her hands and saw that they were small , as if she was young again , she looked around again and panicked about watching everyone crying , hugging her and thanking god ! How was this possible ? She must be dreaming ..
- " where am i?" , " and who are you guys? " , she said . 
- " hala honey i am your mom don't you remember ? " " we are your family dear " , a lady standing next to her said while crying so bad . 
- " no you are not ! This is a dream , it is just a dream , i don't know you , get me back to that old lady's house " she screamed .
- " what old lady hala? " an old man said . 
- " the one who saved me from that horrible cold room , the one who took care of me , the one who gave me everything ! " 
- cold room! , everyone in the room got surprised . 
- " no honey there is no such a thing! Don't you remember falling on your way home ? Luckily a young man brought you here and called us , and since then you have been in a coma , it had been three years now , but we never gave up and kept visiting you and talking to you hoping you could hear us and come back to us one day " her mom said . 
Hala was chocked and couldn't say anything , all she could think about was that guy the love of her life , being 22 , and that old lady ..
How could this possibly be true ? How could anyone sleep at 22 years and wake up at 15!! 
It took her a while to start remembering and refreshing her memory again , but she always thought about him , she always kept wondering , is he real ? Will i ever meet him ? She didn't know but she wanted to believe that she is going to , one day ....
The end ! 

كان هو الشب يلي بتحبو كل البلدة ، الشب يلي الأمل مخبى بعيونو الزرق ، بس الظروف الظروف خلتو يتغير ، الظروف غيرت كلشي ، بهل عشر سنين يلي مرت شو تغيرت فيا دنيتو ، بعد ما توفت إمو و تركو أبو هو و رامي ، رامي أخو الصغير ، رامي يلي خلّا الأمل جواتو ، رامي يلي بنا أحلام كبيرة ، وينو هلأ ؟ ليش تركو هو كمان ؟ 
ليش كان هالبيت البارد الفاضي قاسي عليه ، على جسمو الصغير ، كيف هيك سمح هالبيت للمرض يفوت لجوا هالأمل المتجسد برامي . 
عاش هو ورامي بهل بيت تلت سنين ، تلت سنين من الوجع و الضعف ، بس كانو مبسوطين سوا نوعاً ما . 
كان رامي عيلتو الوحيدة يلي بقيت ، و هلأ ما عاد عندو حدا ، ما عاد عندو هدف .. كان رامي الشي الوحيد يلي عم يخلي يكمل ..
بس هو ما خلا هاد الشي يوقف بوشو ، صحي انو اكتئب و ما طلع من البيت لفترة طويلة بس هو بعدين قررت يطلع و يحقق حلم رامي ، قرر يبيع هالبيت و يمشي لمستقبلو ، و فعلاً بعد هالسبع سنين بدون رامي ، صار هو زلمة كتير منيح و معروف و كان كاتب كمان ، لأنو رامي كان بيحب الكتابة و القصص ، لهيك هو قرر إنو يكتب قصص لكل الاولاد و اعتبرن رامي ، و استلم المكتبة يلي كان عم يشتغل فيا و صار يسافر كتير مشان جولات توقيع كتبو ..
صحي البلدة صغيرة و الكل بيعرف بعضو بس هو بسبب انشغالو و المدة يلي قضاها و هو معزول عن العالم و سفرو ..
في يوم من الأيام بعد ما رجع لاحظ صبية بتشتغل بالمحل يلي مواجهو ، صبية حلوة كتير ، كيف هيك ما شافا من قبل ؟ و مين هي ؟ 
قرر يروح عهل محل ليكتشف هي المخلوقة مين ؟ 
كل ما قرب أكتر بيّنت ملامحها الحلوة أكتر ، عيونا الزرق ، شعرا الأسود ، ضحكتا المشئرئة ..
تأمل أكتر بهل شخصية و عرف بعدين .. عرف إنو هي نفسا البنت الصغيرة يلي ساعدا من عشر سنين ...
هل بنوتة الحلوة كبرت و صارت صبية على أحلى .. بس كان في جواتا حزن ، بضحكتا بعيونا كان في أسى .. 
كانت دائماً بس تنام تشوف نفس الحلم ، ناس ما بتعرفن عم يحاكوا ، وجوه ما عم تقدر تتعرف عليها .. 
كانو هنن التنين عندن اشياء كتير صارت بحياتون لازم يسامحوا ، هو لازم يسامح أبو ، و هية لازم تسامح الغرفة الفاضية و هل ناس يلي ما عم تعرفون ..
كانو هنن متل الطنجرة يلي لقت الغطى يلي كانت مضوعتو من زمان ، هنن التنين كانو بحاجة لعيلة و لحياة جديدة بس فجأة!!
فجأة اختفى كلشي .. 
فجأة ..
فاقت هية .. 
فاقت و لقت حوليها هالناس يلي كانت عم تحلم فين !! 
ما عرفت هية اذا هادا حلم ، ولا هاد الحقيقة .. 
شافت اديها الصغار ! 
رجعت صغيرة .. كيف هيك ؟ شو يلي صاير !! 
لقت حالا بغرفة بيضا و خضرا ، و تخت أبيض .. لقت حالا بالمشفى مع هل عالم ! مين هدول؟ 
و بس شافوا هنن صارو يبكو ، يبكو كتير و يعانقوا و يبوسوا ..
- مين انتو ؟ 
- حلا حبيبتي أنا إمك مو متذكرا؟ 
قالتا إما و بقلبا حرقا و غصة كبيرة .. كبيرة كتير.
حلا تمت عم تطلع فين باستغراب كبير ، معقول أنا بعد ما طلعت من هديك الغرفة يلي بتخوف هنن لقوني ؟ 
- حلا انتي كنتي بغيبوبة طويلة .. طويلة كتير ، بس نحنا ما فقدنا الأمل و كنا نجي كل يوم نحاكيكي ، نزورك ، ننام عندك ، و نستناكي لتفيقي ..
- يعني انا ما رحت لعند الست بعد ما هربت من الغرفة؟ 
- أيا غرفة ؟ !؛ كل يلي بالغرفة حكو سوا ..
- الغرفة الفاضية ، يلي فيا شباك صغير و باب خشب كبير ، يلي قعدت فيا كتير ايام ..
استغربوا كلن من يلي عم تحكي حلا ، أيا غرفة هي ؟ 
- حلا إنتي ما رحتي لمكان ، بس بآخر يوم كنتي صاحية في تعبتي كتير و صار معك نزيف دماغ ، و الحمدلله في شب لقاكي و وداكي عالمشفى و اتصل فينا .. و فتي بغيبوبة من وقتا لهلأ بعد ٣ سنين ..
و ضلت حلا عم تصفن بهل حكي و يروح خيالا لبيت الست ، و لهداك الشب ، الشب يلي كانت فرحانة كتير معو ، يلي كان بعدا جوزا بعمر ال ٢٢ ، و هلأ هية فاقت بعمر ال ١٥ معقول ؟ في شي منطق بالعالم بيفسرلا هل شي ؟ كلشي شافتو و حستو إنو حقيقي ، كل هل عشر سنين ، طلعو ٣ بالأخير ؟ 
حلا أخدت وقت منيح و فترة منيحة بترجع تتحسن و تتذكر ولو شوي ، بس تم قلبا عم يفكر يا ترى رح شوفو شي يوم ؟ يا ترى هو موجود ؟ ...
النهاية .


Hilary Young said…
This is amazing, you are so talented. Please post soon I miss your writings they are amazing:) Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x

Kamar Charaf said…
Omg thank you so much i am so glad you liked it , it makes feel great so thank again , and yes i would love to do that and follow you too ❤️❤️ , i am so sorry for not posting anything lately it is because we have been out of electricity here for so long since i am in syria , hopefully i have a post ready to be published tomorrow as i hope so . Much love ❤️❤️
Ana De-Jesus said…
What a talented writer you are it was such an emotional tale but I loved how poignantly you memorialized each event.!The-Colour-Wheel/cmbz/55affba60cf286eab0299113
Kamar Charaf said…
Thank youu i am so glad you liked it 😊❤️❤️
Perla Sanchez said…
It was so touching! I loved reading your story! I hope you keep writing more.
Kamar Charaf said…
Thank you for all your motivating comments ❤️❤️

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