The first and last days.. (Part1)

Heyy you! 
Today's post is going to be a little bit different but i promise it is going to be good and worth reading ( as i hope) so hold on please ... ❤️
9/8/2012 ...
While she was walking there.. Down the street that led her to her home .. She remembered the day her parents had decided they were going to leave the country for a better safe place to stay at for a while .. 
She remembered how she thought that it was only for a couple of days , she remembered how she had promised everyone that she is coming back soon , she didn't have time to say goodbye , she never thought it was necessary since she was going back soon ?   
She still remember it like it was yesterday , she remembered how they had to clean up the house that very same day cause they were leaving the very next day !
She remembered how she didn't sleep at all , how she was so tired and had burnt her arm by accident while she was rushing everything , she remembered what her friend told her when she said that she burnt her hand :" this is for you to remember this day , to remember us "her friend said , she didn't want to believe that , she didn't want to believe she wasn't going back .
She also remembered how she had cried , she knew deep down that they won't come back but she didn't just want to believe that. 
That day had gone so fast that she hadn't talked to anyone yet! She didn't say goodbye! 
She remembered how scared she was on the road , how she had chatted with her friends all along the road just to feel okay to forget all about whats on the road . 
Just by the time they had arrived she was so tired , she had been awake for almost 24 hours , she was depressed , this was her last day at her home but also her first day at her new country ( that she still didn't want to admit !) 
                   ~ To be continued... ❤️  

ذاك اليوم الكئيب .. 
اليوم الذي لم تتوقعه يوماً.. 
ذلك اليوم الذي تركت كل شيء فيه ورائها .. 
كم كَرِهت ذالك اليوم.. 
مع كل دقيقة مرّت في ذالك اليوم .. تحطمت و تناثرت أجزاء صغرى في داخلها .. 
لا زالت تذكره جيداً كل جزء منه .. 
كيف أنها لم تفهم أنهم سوف يرحلون قريباً .. 
هل كان هذا حلماً؟ لم تعلم بالضبط .. 
ما كانت تعلمه هو أنها لم تكن تريد أن تغادر ..
لم تكن قادرة على إستيعاب فكرة أنها لن تنم في سريرها مجدداً ..
لم تنم تلك الليلة في سريرها .. لم تودعه .. 
كان يجب أن تفعل .. لكنها لم تعلم .. 
لم تعلم ماذا كان بإنتظارها .. 
كم تمنت لاحقاً لو كان بإمكانها أن تضع منزلها في حقيبة ، أن تضع شوارعها المفضلة ، موطنها و أصدقائها ، كم تمنت أن تضعهم جمعياً في حقيبة معها ..
أن تأخذهم معها في حقيبة سفر كما يأخذ المسافر حاجياته الأهم فهؤلاء كانو الأهم بالنسبة لها .. 
كانت تعلم أنه من الأفضل لهم أن يرحلو لكنها لم تكن تريد أن تعترف بذالك .
كان هذا اليوم نهاية كتاب وطنها و الصفحة الأولى في الكتاب الآخر المجهول الهوية و الصفحات الفارغة .. 
بدا لها و كأنها تنتقل بين عالمين عالمٍ أسود اللون ذو ذكريات جميلة و أخرى قاسية .. و الآخر كان عالم أبيض اللون ذو أحداث مجهولة بدت وكأنها كارثية .. 
كم كرهت ذالك التناقض بين العالمين .. ذلك التغيير المفاجئ الذي حدث .. 
كانت قد أطلقت على ذاك اليوم .. بداية النهاية...
As always hope you liked it and if you got any correctings i would love it if you told me ❤️
P.s: these are mostly true events and feelings but i also added couple of things :) 
Much love❤️


Unknown said…
Amazing kamar !! <3
Kamar Charaf said…
Hazeeeem ! Thank youu! :)))
Abdulrahman Mth said…
Great one ... Keep going

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