Our death trips ...(رحلات الموت )

This is a post in evaluation of all those lifes that have been taken to there deaths . 
All those syrian people who have left their houses , their homes , their families in advance to find a better life . 
700+ children , men , woman left from the shore in Libya , few are the ones who have made it till the end . 
Every single day there are people who are leaving there homes to go on these death trips . 
These people thought they would make it , they are finally going to be safe , these people have had enough of the world's cruelty  and thought that the sea was going to be kind on them . 
These people have trusted others on there lives but it turns out that money is more important than ones life . May your souls rest in peace ❤️
He had given up on hope that one day everything is going to be finally okay . 
He had finally decided that he is going to leave , he is going to take the chance . "There are people who have made it why won't i ? " he said.
He didn't tell his family he is going to do it , he just said that he had some stuff to do there , he didn't want them to worry at all . 
He had everything under control and that they are going to leave soon , they had promised them that they are going to be safe , that they are going to be given life saving jackets once they are on the boat . 
They had to go on a trip in the desert for two days or more in advance to get to the shore they said . 
It was too hot in the day and too cold and dark in the night . 
On their way he looked up at the night sky and imagined his mother's ,father's, and sister's faces Looking down on him and smiling as always . 
He kept looking up and smiling , he wanted to say goodbye , he wanted to hear their voices , he wanted to get the most of their looks incase it was his last time . 
When it was the time to get on the boats he heard the little kids screaming and crying they were too scared , women trying to calm them down like his mother used to do . 
The boat was too small , there were no life saving jackets , no enough space for them to sit down but they were forced to . 
Slowly the boat started moving , and going deeper in the sea . He closed his eyes and prayed for god to be safe..
And all of a sudden he heard lots of contributed voices of kids crying , people screaming , he knew then that the time had happened they were all going to drown  !! 
Silence has taken place in his mind , no screaming he could hear anymore, no scared voices , he was all wet by the cold salty water . He saw his mother face again smiling , he went back in his memory to their last hug when he was saying goodbye , he could almost sense her warm body hugging him right now. 
He thought about her knowing that the sea has taken him away from her forever , he wanted to say that he is sorry for doing that ,he wanted her to forgive him for what he did , he didn't mean to but the things were going on in their country had forced him to leave , to find a better life for them . 
He didn't want this , he didn't want any of it , but they were forced to die....
Thank you dear cruel world for letting us die . 
Thank you dear sea for opening your arms for us and not letting us down . 
Thank you dear humans for keeping this silence . 
Thank you for choosing money over us . 
Please excuse our death photos we didn't mean to bother you . 
Please forgive us for ruining your day with our death stories , we were just trying to live a peaceful life after all of you turned us down ....

كان قراره ذلك قراراً صعب الاتخاذ .. 
قراراً ما بين الحياة و الموت .. 
قراراً يترك فيه ما عمّره  لسنوات هنا .. 
قراراً يتخذه ليذهب إلى أعماق المحيطات .. 
هارباً من وطنه ..منزله.. أرضه التي كان يجب لها أن تحن على ما عليها .. 
أتعبناها و أرهقناها إلى حد الممات .. 
أذلناها و لم نشكرها يوماً فثارت علينا .. 
إتخذ قراره هذا ليودّع عائلته و تستقبله المياه في الأحضان .. 
بين كل رحلةٍ و رحلة مشقة رحلةٍ أخرى .. 
من الهواء إلى الصحراء ناهياً إياها في البحار .. 
لم يكن يعلم أنها نهايته ، لم يكن يعلم ماذا تخبئه له هذه الرحلة بعد كل المشقات ، هو و من معه من نساء و أطفال و رجال . 
هربوا من قسوة العالم إلى أمواج البحار . 
شكراً أيها العالم لم تتركوا لنا الخيار .. إلّا بالموت . 
شكراً أيتها المياه إستقبلتينا دون تأشيرة دخول ، دون أوراق و معاملات . 
أمي ،أبي ،  أختي ، سامحوني على هذا القرار ، قسوة العالم أجبرتني أن أرحل . 
أخي العزيز لا تأتي و إياك بالفرار ، ذل الوطن أرحم من ذل الخارج و قسوة الأحوال. 
في قلب الصحراء هناك حيث مرّوا لا شيء سوا المساء لا شيء سوا الظلال . 
تكاد السماء تنحني لتعانق أصوات الأطفال الخائفة.. 
هنا نظر إلى النجوم ، إلى القمر ، إلى السماء وتراءت له خيالات وجوه أهله المبتسمة..لم يكن يعلم أنه لم يكن يحلم ، أراد أن يودعها ، أن يحادثها ، أن يسمع صوتها ، فمن الممكن أن تكون تلك هي آخر مرة يراها فيها و لو مجرد خيالات . 
هنا سارَ إلى موته المحتم ، موته الذي كتبه أولئك الذين تاجرو بأرواحهم مقابل بضع أوراق قالوا إنها الأموال ،موته الذي رسمه بخطاه الواثقة . 
 وفي عمق البحر حين حانت لحظة الموت ، حين صمت الكون رغم ضجة الأصوات الخائفة ، تصاعدت تلك الأرواح الطاهرة إلى السماء رغم غرق الجسد في المياه ، كان قد شهد كل هذا و انتظر موعده ، عاد خيال أمه إليه ، ها هي واقفةٌ إلى جانبه و هي تبتسم ، تلك البسمة الحنونة ، و ذلك الصوت الذي لطالما أعطاه الشعور بالأمان ، ها هي أمه تنبّهه أن لا يسهر إلى و قت طويل ذات مساء ، خوفاً عليه من التعب و الإرهاق ، أين هي الآن ؟ تساءل في داخله ، أين أنتِ أيتها الحنونة لتدفئيني و تعطيني القوة ، سامحيني سامحيني يا أمي فما باليد حيلة . 
سامحنا أيها العالم ملأنا أخبارك بصورنا الحزينة ، بأجسادنا الغريقة ، بأصواتنا الصارخة . 
سامحينا أيتها الأرض فما أردنا يوماً هذا . 
سامحينا أيتها البيوت لم نكن نريد تركك و حيدة . 
سامحينا أيتها الذكريات لم يعد بإمكاننا إسترجاعك لما تشعرينا من آلام . 
سامحنا أيها الزمن لم يعد بالإمكان الانتظار . 
و شكراً شكراً أيها العالم الصامت ... 
ثم أغمض عينيه و رحل .. إلى ذلك المكان الجميل ، الدافىء بعيداً عن النزاعات و الخلافات ، بعيداً عن الحرب .. 
فكانت تذكرة العبور إليه ... رحلةٌ من رحلات الموت ...

      ~الله يرحمكم و يصبر أهلكم يا رب ❤️

*if you wanted to see a true story about 5 friends who had been on a death trip here is a link to the short film : 
P.s : At the end i wanted to say that this is for a friend of mine who have survived one of these death trips , and thank you for giving me the information i needed❤️❤️
Also thank you to my editors ola and qusai for correcting my mistakes ❤️
* first and last days part 3 is comming up soon so stay tunned 


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