
Showing posts from June, 2015

Creations tuesdaaay ^_^

Hello friends , how are you doing ? I hope you all are just great :))  So , as i have posted a long time a go in my new idea post , which is about posting your own creations ! Well i have finally started it !  Every tuesday there will be a post written by one of you ❤️ You can send your post by my contact me page or just email it to me .  But make sure you follow my instructions written in the - new idea - post .  Much love ❤️ ******* This post is shared by a syrian guy named anas , hope you like it as much as i did ❤️  It is a poem about living alone in a foreign country missing his loved ones ... (حلمنا المهزوم ...) الدرب دربها وانا سائح في بحرها ... هذا ما اقوله لتعلم كم اهوى انفاسها.. يا ترى يأتي يوما واصبح مقيم في هذا الدرب واعشق القدر لاجلها ام اغرق بحواس الجسد العقل القلب ... ام بعطفها  في ليلة من ليالي الخريف المقمرة  وفي صحراء المقطم الموحشة ... يسكنيني عطشها  جئت...

That old house

Hey friends, sorry for not uploading on Sundays and Thursdays as i promised you but hopefully i will ^_^ also, this Tuesday is going to be a post of your creations so stay tuned and the part 3 is going to be on this Thursday too :) ❤️ ***** Whenever i see old houses and kids , i could only imagine my childhood and my grandparents , i can only imagine a happy little girl  playing with her siblings games that kids nowadays might have never heard about. I remember how we used to spend weekends at my grandparents house , and how we used to run around the house screaming and laughing , while my grandpa yelled at us to slow down and lower our voices , and my grandma sitting on her old chair talking with my mom .  Every time i visit their house , i get a weird lovely feeling , it is like they have never left and we never grew up and the house isn't empty all alone without kids playing around .  Everything in that old house has a special story to tell ,...

Dear mom ..

I would like to dedicate this post to the best woman on earth .. My mother . Dear mom .. How many times did we write this sentece before? They always told us to write letters to our moms in school , but we have always did it for the marks , we never thought about its true meaning , like yeah writing a message for my mom , for what? I see her everyday right? Why won't i just go ahead and tell her? . We all have wondered that before right?  Well i'll tell you why , sometimes we want to tell and express to our moms how we feel but they just stuck inside of us and we end up saying stuff we may not really mean .  So ,  Dear mom .. It may seem to you that these are only two words put together to form a sentece which is dear mom , but in fact these two simple words have many words and feelings represented by them .  So mom , how are you doing? Like really how are you? The true answer not the one you always told us about you being fine , we ...

Forgiven ( part 2 )

Hello friends ..  I know it took me so long to upload a new post .. But i finally finished finals and got rid of all the stress .. So i got this new idea about posting regularly on schedual , i hope i will upload new posts every sunday and thursday .. I will try my best to do that for you guys ❤️  This is the part 2 of my new short story forgiven .. Hope you enjoy it ❤️ If you didn't read the part one then click here ❤️ ********** The she part .  She was a little girl with a lot of dreams in her heart and soul , she was the girl with the biggest joy , loving family , and a face full of life . She loved all of her friends , neighbors ,teachers and simply was the kindest person you could meet . She was 12 when something screw her life up , something came out of no where and crashed her soul .  She never knew that life could be this mean to her , and she surely never expected that .  ****** - "hello ! Is there anyone in here? " she scre...

How to get rid of your depression for ever in three easy ways !

" this post is going to be a little bit different than what i usually write about , but if you are waiting for the part 2 of the story , then hold on for 6 more days , because it is going to be pretty cool ^_^" We all get depressed al l the time , and it is totally okay , you must understand that being depressed is something totally normal , you are not some weird , sad , dramatic person for being depressed.  There are some stuff all around us that put us down all the time .  And you can't always fix your feelings with food and chocolate in fact it will make you feel even worse.  before continue reading this post You must put this idea in  your mind: IT IS OKAY TO BE DEPRESSED .  If you are like me and you feel down all the time and your mood just changes so fast , and you keep thinking about everything all the time then you must give these ways a try .  1- write it out !  This is probably the most effective way to get...