Dear future me..

On April 29th 2015 I wrote a letter to myself, on April 29th 2020 I received that letter which I totally forgot about, it was really nice reading it seeing how much progress I did since then. On April 3rd 2022 I wrote another letter to my future self, only this time I wrote what I would have liked to hear from someone special, instead of waiting to hear those words I decided that I will be that someone to myself. I decided that this time I will publish it here so that maybe someone else will benefit from it and maybe I will be that someone special for somebody else. Let me know what would you like to say to your future self? ************ Dear future me , Always know your worth, always believe in yourself, you are doing great! Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise, always know that there will always be someone looking up to you thinking wow she’s amazing! Believe in you...