Just not worth it..

It has been forever since i last posted anything, so i thought that it is about time to write something new especially there were alot of people asking me why I stopped and will i be writing anything soon ? My answer to all of them was just give me some time to clear my mind .. So yeah this is it , hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️ ****** I remember one time a friend told me that there will be a time in my life that i am gonna lose a lot of people and in the same time others will replace their place in my heart , my friend told me that when that time happens not to be sad , i was surprised and said how can i not be sad if i am loosing the ones that I once have cared about? He said it would be for the best , because at the end my dear you will end up only with the people that truly care about you and only the good ones will stay . Now that i have been in that situation I understood that what he said is really true . I also remember one time i was sitting with my grandpa and he wa...