Trying to understand the logic of life !

I always tend to write about life , or even think about it , to try to understand its logic , but it seems like everytime i somehow start to understand how it rolls , something new change everything up . All these years i have been trying to understand people , their actions , their lifes , and everything concerns how life affects them . It seems like the older we get the more life gets complicated and the more we tend to spend time alone , and it also seems that the more technology we get the more our life becomes harder and we become more heartless . I have found out finally that no matter what you do people are still going to hurt you , hate you , talk about you , or even ignore you , Unless you are dead . I have found out that as long as there is good there is bad , as long there is pain there is happiness , as long as they talk about others infront of you they talk about you infront of them and as long as there are negativities there are positivities. ...