
Showing posts from August, 2015

Trying to understand the logic of life !

I always tend to write about life , or even think about it , to try to understand its logic , but it seems like everytime i somehow start to understand how it rolls , something new change everything up . All these years i have been trying to understand people , their actions , their lifes , and everything concerns how life affects them . It seems like the older we get the more life gets complicated and the more  we tend to spend time alone , and it also seems that the more technology we get the more our life becomes harder and we become more heartless . I have found out finally that no matter what you do people are still going to hurt you , hate you , talk about you , or even ignore you , Unless you are dead . I have found out that as long as there is good there is bad , as long there is pain there is happiness , as long as they talk about others infront of you they talk about you infront of them and as long as there are negativities there are positivities.  ...

The land we lost ..

A month ago , a friend of mine ( not really a friend ) sent me a picture with my name on it , it wasn't any picture , it was from the land we lost long time ago , that picture really meant the world to me .. Because as i said we lost it long time ago and i don't think i would visit it any time soon ..  As simple as that picture might seem to be to you .. But it is not to me , you see they might have taken our land but they won't stop us from believing that someday we will get it back , they won't stop us from being there by simple letters writen on a small peace of paper and they deffinitaly can't stop us from fighting back even if it was with words .. Maybe .. Just maybe these words someday would turn out to actions .. ❤️ Because this land .. Our land .. Is called palestine. ❤️ ******* موطنٌ سكننا منذ زمن بعيد .. موطنٌ حملنا حبه في عروقنا منذ الأزل ..  منذ اللحظة الأولى و سنوات الدراسة الأولى علمونا حبه .. موطنٌ لم ن...