A message to the FUTURE !

Hello guys ❤️ Hope you had great days recently ❤️ So,few weeks ago i was reading a book called ( أحببتك أكثر مما ينبغي) it wasn't the kind if books i would like , but i read it anyway. But in that book they mentioned a website called Future Me . On this website you would write a message to your future self and they would send it to you few years latter . I thought it would be cool to write that kind of a messages and writing in it what you think you would be doing five years latter , what you think you will be working at , where you'll be living and also write all your hopes and wishes for the future , what you imagine it would be like , would you still have the same people around you or something would happen . For me it seemed to be such a great idea , to see if i have achieved what i wished for in these five years , you could also write few advices to your future self . I wish you could give it a try because it would give you such a spirit to do things f...